Supplements are among the most discussed topics on MyOsteoTeam. Members talk about which supplements they take, the benefits of different combinations, and how to use supplements in combination with other treatments.
Calcium and vitamin D supplements are the most commonly talked about supplements and can be an important part of osteoporosis treatment. Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining healthy bones, and vitamin D is required for the body to properly absorb calcium.
In addition to improving bone strength, these supplements are also necessary to ensure the efficacy of many osteoporosis medications. However, supplements are not a replacement for treatments your doctor recommends. Taking too much calcium or vitamin D can cause health problems such as kidney stones and heart problems.
The top challenge for MyOsteoTeam members is wading through the abundance of online information about supplement usage. One member wrote: “There's so much conflicting information out there that I often come away from a research session with more questions than answers.”
“I'm reading the debates about how much is enough and how much is too much,” another member commented. “I'm trying to sort it out so I can feel good about my choices.”
Discussing supplement use with your doctor is extremely important. Your doctor can help you find the right supplement dosage, make sense of what you’ve read online, and explain how supplements can complement medications, exercise, and nutrition. The right regimen for each person will vary based on their condition and their other treatments.
The other major supplement challenge members face is stomach problems. “Calcium supplements cause constipation for me,” one member wrote. “I suffered very bad acid reflux with vitamin D3,” another member commented. Members on MyOsteoTeam have resolved these challenges by using over-the-counter remedies and splitting up their doses throughout the day.
On MyOsteoTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with osteoporosis, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Supplements are one of the most discussed topics.
Here are some question-and-answer threads about supplements:
Here are some conversations about supplements:
Do you take dietary supplements?
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I Heard Boran Is Also Good, Or Borax Not Specific Which One Is Good For Bones. Also How About Algae Cal Supplement Is Also Good
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A MyOsteoTeam Member
I do take Vit D and Calcium, Vit K, Vit B, Vit C , Magnesium powder - however, I do not take regularly daily - I feel I have enough foods containing all vitamins in my daily diet. I have always bee… read more
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