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Does The Cold Affect Osteoporosis

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭
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Osteoporosis Treatment Read Article...
A MyOsteoTeam Member

Don't give up. Try a local senior center and see if they can refer you to someone who is reasonably priced for repairs or another agency that can help you. You may need to think about different living… read more

Could Osteoporosis Be The Cause Of The Top Of My Feet Hurting?

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm in remission from CNS lymphonia cancer and the tops of my feet hurt at night. Am trying to understand if I can do anything about it. thank you

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Well my top of my right foot hurts like crazy, not just at night. I have been using Sagley relief and recovery cream I purchase at the drug store. It’s 75 mg. CBD cream
It helps a great deal, helps… read more

Has Anyone Tried To Maintain Their Bone Density Without Medication Such As Diet And Exercise.

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Also take supplements.

Good Morning Everyone. I Hope You Are All Well. Anyone Have Any Experience, Taking Fosamax? I Am Due To Start It Due To Bad Scan Readings?

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have osteoporosis for several years and have been putting off taking any meds as I am scared with all the reported side effects. I was sent to a rheumatologist and he says I am at risk for fracture as my scan readings are at critical levels and I must take something. He suggests Fosamax to start. I know I have no choice and am very worried but he explained my probability of having a fracture is much greater than any side effects I take calcium and Vitamin D. I appreciate any insight all… read more

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Good morning from Mount Gambier, South Australia. I am an active 80 year old, take CALTRATE ( vit D & calcium ) every day & have a 6 month PROLIA injection. Photo shows me at the garden centre with… read more

Has Anyone Heard That By Taking Calcium It Causes Clogged Arteries?

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am wondering what is worse...low bone density or clogged arteries.

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Most calcium tablets are ground rock, plant based calcium i(algae) is best if you have clogged arteries.


A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

Is it safe to take Prolia if you have Liver cirrhosis?

A MyOsteoTeam Member

Well, I personally would ask my Doctor, Rheumatologist;, some other medical Doctor that would give you a professional answer. If he knows that you have a liver problem, I’m sure he would not have… read more

Pain And Osteoporosis

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have osteoporosis,and I am happy to say I have not had any broken bones! My bone density test show my 60 year old bones are like that of an 80+ year old women.However I am in pain every day, my knees,hips
,back and hands hurt the most. But my doctors say there is no pain with osteoporosis until you have a fracture or break. And X-rays have not shown much arthritis. How "much" do I need to have for them to explain the pain I have? Have any of you had pain without fracture or arthritis?

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Hi Helen, I have all over my back and in my wrists, I try to get more comfortable to with exercise, I try to walk alot, I take advil, tylenol and aspercreme for my pain, yes I do have arthritits… read more

Dear Members Of The Group! My Question Is: Is It Possible To Use The Professional Deep Tissue Massage Gun For Osteoporosis?

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyOsteoTeam Member

@A MyOsteoTeam Member
Hello Judy - So nice to hear from you ! Your violets are beautiful...I hope my perennial plants come back after the deep freeze Texas had ! They don't look well, but… read more

Have Any One Had A Reaction To Prolia Injection

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis after presenting to Gp with mild upper back pain
Had Prolia injection two weeks ago and within 24 hours developed flu like symptoms and then lower back pain like I had a broken back. GP gave me codeine pain relief but after a week still really unable to move freely or sleep I am desperately wanting answers but GP unavailable until next week. I am a 73 year old Woman who is normally active and social. Now I feel like an invalid without the… read more

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Are you still on Prolia, Pam?

Fortes Injections

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Endocrinologist wants me to take Forteo for 2 years by injection everyday as a bone builder. I am eligible through the Government as I had A femoral fracture due to the medication I was taking. My Doctor has to make application on my behalf to put me on the program. Side effects dizziness, leg cramps, soreness due to the injections. I would like your input on this program. Thank you.

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A MyOsteoTeam Member

I don’t have any private insurance only what is covered the the Government. If I am warranted coverage it free other that that I have to pay out of pocket $1.000.00 a month. So far I’m holding my… read more