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Vibration Plate

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭
Aledo, TX

Hello all you members. I have been contemplating purchasing a vibration plate. My scoliosis limits my weight bearing. I’d like your experiences and thoughts. Thank you and I hope for pain-free moments for us all.

September 29, 2021
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A MyOsteoTeam Member

I used a vibration plate as part of a weight bearing program called Whole Body, which is supposed to increase bone density. The session was only 15 mins., which included some movements on the vibration plate. I did this program 2x a week for about 5 months. My bone density increased from -2.5 to -2.4. I don’t know if it was the weight bearing machine, vibration plate, both or none that accounted for the slight increase. Please note, the vibration plate does make you very unsteady, so I would be extremely careful if you decide to do this without supervision.

September 29, 2021
A MyOsteoTeam Member

My husband’s physical therapists use it in a program that he is in to work on his back and balance issues. He had fallen through the floor of our attic and hit the concrete garage floor. About every bone that could not have a cast was broken! Vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, shoulder blade. Bones healed and he is much better now. Physical therapists are retraining the nerves in his inner ear to correct balance issues. He said the plates vibrate and move in different directions making you feel like you are in an earth quake. They put him in a harness and rope him to the ceiling for this program. I don’t think it would be safe to try them at home without professionals around you to prevent falls and other injuries.

September 29, 2021
A MyOsteoTeam Member

My physical therapist has me using a “dog leash” to pull the straightened leg, one at at time, toward my body with the other leg bent with the foot on the floor(mat) while I’m on my back and hold it for 30 seconds then switch to the other leg. Three repititions. Helps with bursitis if you are physically able to do it. I pull my leg forward as hard as I can stand it. Not everyone can use that much force. It truly helps me.

October 10, 2021
A MyOsteoTeam Member

Hi Deborah. Not all vibration plates are the same. With osteoporosis, you have to be really careful of the intensity or you could really harm yourself. This is a website for the Vibration Therapy.

September 29, 2021
A MyOsteoTeam Member

I opted for the life Pro because it comes with a lot of videos on YouTube It's Made in America great customer service easy to adjust the vibration

September 29, 2021

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